"MoonWalk is a revolution in time saving for production"

- Pierre Lundin, Bodyshop Manager, Pierre Billackering Kalmar/IRS Group

Pierre Billackering Kalmar is the largest pierre.dk bodyshop in Sweden with two painters, nine people in total, working in two shifts and doing around 20 mixes a day.

Mixing used to be a struggle

Before getting MoonWalk in 2021, mixing colors was “a bit of a struggle”, as Pierre Lundin says. He elaborates: “Before getting MoonWalk to mix the colors automatically, mixing colors was a slow and time-consuming process, taking up almost one full time person mixing. Also, before MoonWalk, we sometimes experienced a lack in precision in mixing.”

MoonWalk is a game changer

Pierre Lundin says that the whole bodyshop has embraced MoonWalk.

MoonWalk is a revolution in time saving for production and it has exceeded our expectations. It has affected our way of working and streamlined our processes.

With MoonWalk we don’t waste any time. We always keep MoonWak occupied with a new mix while we get other processes done. Also, MoonWalk can do smaller and more precise mixes than manual mixing.

We save time and material with MoonWalk – and it has increased our efficiency.”

Fast and efficient

On the product side, Pierre Billackering Kalmar also prioritizes speed, efficiency, and sustainability.

They have started using the new NEXA Eco-(air) Dry Primer which helps minimize the total repair process time.

The air-dry properties make it an eco-friendly product that saves energy - and the one visit application makes it easy and fast to apply. Overall, it significantly reduces working time and eliminates bottlenecks – just like MoonWalk. 

With MoonWalk and new PPG innovations like the NEXA Eco-(air) Dry Primer, we get better and faster results.”
- Pierre Lundin, Pierre Billackering, Kalmar. -